Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First Grade

Every night I tell Nicholas that I wish that Santa would bring me a shrink ray. I would love to shrink Nicholas back to when he was a baby. Where did my little baby go?? How on earth can he be in the first grade? I miss the days of staying in our pj's and hanging out together, just the two of us. I miss going to the Zoo, Aquarium, and Park whenever we felt like it. I really miss Friday playgroups with all the moms and kids. I miss not working because it was so much easier and much less tiring! Plus child care costs half my check every month!! Oops - I went a little off topic there - I just miss those baby days when they wanted to be held and kissed - oh wait, they are still like that. I believe it was just two hours ago that they were both on my lap hitting each other and trying to knock the other one off. Ah, memories. I even missed Nicholas first day, I wasn't the one who dropped him off at school on that scary yet exciting first day. At least it was Nana who shared the experience with him, for that I am very grateful and thankful. My baby boy is growing up too quick.

Friday, August 07, 2009

A New Bed

Nicholas has started waking up in the middle of the night again. The habit was broken last spring but has now reappeared. Last night I was tired so when Nicholas came in at 2 am I just said go back to bed. When Christopher woke me up this morning, up popped Nicholas out of nowhere. Turns out he slept on Alli's bed in the corner of my room. Not only was Nicholas covered in dog hair but he also smelled a little. What was he thinking??

Sunday, June 07, 2009

First Grader

Nicholas is not officially considered a first grader. What school he will be at next year is still a mystery, but regardless he is moving on up. He has two loose teeth, which he is very proud of, and already thinks that our summer rocks. I hope I can deliver and he isn't disappointed!! He has learned and changed so much over the past year, I just can't believe how time flies.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Growing Up

Nicholas is now officially 6 years old. When I look at him I still see a little boy but he is so tall and so amazingly smart. He can read, he writes stories, it's so hard to believe that I have been home with him for six years now. Where does the time go?

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Terrible Sixes

I think Nicholas is about to enter the terrible sixes, forget the terrible twos! This morning he started fighting with his brother over who was going to get to look at the snake. He took it too far and was in trouble but didn't like that. It went down hill from there. There was screaming, crying, packing of the backpack to run away, all that fun stuff. He wouldn't wear his clothes for picture day so he wore his uniform and is not getting his picture taken. He lost all video games and watching TV until Friday. I almost cancelled his birthday party when he hit me in the face with his Mr. Blanky. That child is something else.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

First 6th Birthday Present

Joe and Kristyn gave Nicholas his first present during the month long celebration called Nicholas' 6th Birthday. We are now the proud owners of a corn snake named Rocky. He looks like a tiger, with different shades of orange and red and black stripes. He is the center of our lives now as he resides in the family room and none of us can stop watching him, including Alli. Alli sits in front of the cage and watches for any sign of movement. Christopher wants to be held right in front of the glass in case anything changes. Nicholas asks every five minutes if he can hold it - the answer being no, not until the next time Uncle Markie is over! Tomorrow Christopher and I will be taking a trip to the pet store to buy frozen mice. Yes, that's right, I just wrote and you did just read the words frozen mice. Enough said.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Homework Troubles

Nicholas does have the best handwriting on earth, I'll admit it. So his homework assignments take at least thirty minutes every night. Every time he writes a letter or number, we have to erase it and write it again, and again, and again. Otherwise the homework paper is returned to us and we have to do it all over again the next night. It's hard to believe that this is just the beginning of homework for us, we have 12 more years to go, how long is it going to take by the time he gets to 8th grade???????